Welcome to my Weblog. The home of all of my scattered thoughts, life news, and big ideas. Thanks for reading.

January 26th, 2025

Here comes a little thought dump. Been thinking heavy about what to do with this website. I keep rethinking things and redoing things. My current thought process is kind of turning this whole thing into just a cool Linktree and add more if I ever feel like it. I also am really not into the mobile redesign I did and might just wipe that mostly and go back to a desktop vibe. I had a long talk with my friend Ian that resulted in me taking most social media off of my phone. I have never felt better than today really and I hope that I can stick to it. I feel like making myself do stuff on a computer adds another obstacle that makes me less inclined to doomscroll and things like that. Anyways. Probably another decent remodel coming. Might push more on a general blog. Get kind of a journal vibe going. Talk about things that I like. Try and code it really slick and fun. We'll see.

January 6th, 2025

Hello world! With this big remodel of my website I thought that I would start a new general blog page. Not really sure what will end up here, but that is kind of what I want a space for. This will be more fluid than the other pages on my website. No rules. Anyhting goes. If something crops up in my head and I feel like I need to write it down then here it will go. Here you will be able to enter the inner workings of my mind. Hence the name. Thanks for checking this out and I look forward to writing more on here. One love.