April 1, 2024

A day late and a dollar short. Don't really know what that means or how to use that saying but what I am trying to say is that I am writing this on monday. Happy April Fools Day.

Been gaming like crazy as of late. I guess that is what I have been doing mostly these days given my circumtances so sorry if it is boring to read. Copped a DS from by friend Brad and ordered some games on Ebay that finally came this week. Played a bunch of Rhythm Heaven and Warioware which are really great ADHD style games. Lots happening, really fast, over and over again. Really fun. Going to put some time into a new Pokemon game for the DS and probably play some Animal Crossing Wild World. Which has been really fun. Outside of playing DS games I started playing the WWE game last night and played it for like 5 hours and that is why I forgot to do one of these entries. It is crazy fun and I love wrestling so that helps. Been thinking about watching older PPVs like doing all of the wrestlemanias or something, could be fun to write about them, maybe put that in the TV section where I am chipping at the XFiles blog. We will see.

Got to play a show finally this weekend and it was a gosh darn blast. Feels good to be back, hopefully I can play more often and keep improving. Pain from a while ago has been a lot better. Improving little by little every day. The show was packed and it rocked so hard, we wore our new matching jackets and it was awesome. Can't wait to keep melting faces. I love popping a crowd >:-). Playing rock and roll is probably the closest I will get to the energy that wrestlers feel when they pop a crowd. Hopefully some day Backhand will play at wrestlemania or make a wrestlers theme or something like that. The ultimate crossover.

It was easter yesterday and I spent some time with my family. Had a good dinner. Ate a lot of easter candy. Spent a lot of time the other day looking at hockey jerseys, might pull the trigger on one but they are really expensive and I don't watch hockey. I have always liked how hockey jerseys look though so I might have to go for it.

That is it for this week, thanks for reading. Going to try and put more time into XFiles entries so look forward to that. Okay BYE!

March 24, 2024

Oopsy! forgot to do one of these last week. Sorry to all of the huge Matt's Jornal fans that were disapointed. I spaced doing it and just decided I didn't want to do a late entry and would just hold out until now, so here we are.

Past couple of weeks I have been up to some big time gaming for the most part. With this whole broken leg situation it is sometimes really nice to just shut off my brain and think about nothing for an extended period of time, and playing games is pretty helpful for that. Put a good amount of time into Tekken 8 which is the biggest love-hate relationship I have ever been in probably. There has never been a game that has made me feel more like a god and then 5 minutes later make me want to throw a controller through a wall like this one. What a time. I also gamed hard on Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, which is a remake of Pokemon Diamond. Apparently all the pokemon fans on the internet really didn't like this game but I had a good time and it was the first pokemon game I have played all the way through which is pretty cool. I decided I to buy a DS and order some games to scratch that nostalgia itch that I always am seeking so I look forward to those games coming in, will probably report about those.

In a more serious note I had a pretty rough week with some pretty gnarly pain coming back to my leg. It got so bad that I wasn't able to go play rock and roll with my friends at the treefort music fest. Super frustrating but I guess that is just kind of how things are going to be as a scrape myself out of these woods. It has been pretty frustrating and that was a pretty bad blow to the morale but it feels like things are improving from that pain so should be sunny shores on the horrizon. I also have been reading Phil Knight's memoir called Shoe Dog and it is the first time I have read something that is basically just like a inspirtation/success book and it feels really good to read haha. Makes me excited to get back to normal and put my nose to the grindstone and just make cool things and get things done.

In close, I watched the orginal 'Ring' movie from 1998 recently and really really liked it. I am a sucker for movies from that late 90s-2000s era and that flick really hit all the beats. Super creepy and and just a super fun watch. Definitely a new favortie of mine. Highly recommend. Okay that is all. BYE!

March 10, 2024

Yoooooooooo, hello journal and journal readers. Happy Sunday. Sunday is the day I write my blog posts. Let's rock and roll.

This week one of the more important things to happen was the passing of Akira Toriyama. Toriyama was a big inspiration for me and kind of a hero of mine and it really beat me up hearing this news. The guy was just one of the most creative and orginal minds there ever has been, he always just wrote and drew what he thought was cool and I have always thought that was the way art should be made. It's tough loosing someone like that, but luckily his work is eternal and I can see it and appreciate it forever. I have been watching a bunch of Dragonball Z in honsor of my boy.

Besides the bummer news it was a pretty great week. I watched a movie called Iron Monkey three times this week. It is really a killer flick and I watched it by myself and then wanted all of my friends to see it so watched it two other times as well. That was fun. Speaking of movies, the Oscars were tonight and I watched them with my sisters and some of their friends. A lot of people dog on the Oscars but I have really always loved watching them and look forward to them every year. I think if you don't put too much stock into them it is mostly just a good time appreciating movies, which is my favorite thing to do.

Backhand practiced today as well, we are getting ready for treefort and ran through our set today. We also started jamming out some new stuff which was fun. It has been far far far too long. We have all been stewing creatively for so long now I feel like we have vision out the butt and are going to write some CRAZY stuff. Really exciting!!!!!!

Nothing else really to report on that comes to mind, hope everyone has a great week.

March 3, 2024

I am hopefully going to get this gosh darned webpage out sometime this week so this will probably be the first entry that people are reading. If that is the case, then welcome to my website and specifically my journal. Hope that you find it fun to read and explore.

The most notable thing this week was that Backhand was finally able to get together in get some solid practice in. We are getting ready for the treefort music festival and it has been so much fun getting back into the swing of things. We had been practicing and played a few shows before but this last surgery I had, which should be my last for the forseeable future, really wiped me for like a good few months. Nothing like a few more set backs to get me really excited. It has been so nice to play drums again with my friends, feels like things are getting back to normal.

Other than that, a lot more of the same really. I am chugging along through physical therapy. It is tough but feels good to make progress. Watching lots of movies. Reading lots of one piece. I just finished the water seven arc, if that means anything to anyone. Real good time. One thing I did this week was watch the movie 'Air' with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. It's the movie about how nike scored the contract with Michael Jordan. I am an absolute sucker for sports movies and also for movies with really snappy, gettin it done dialogue and this movie really knocked my socks off this time around. It actually had me tearing up for some reason which is really funny cause there is really nothing sad happening in this movie. The story really just got me rolling on a hard-work and success high. It just rocks seeing people work hard for something and have it pay off. Seeing people go with their gut and take big risks and just get things done. It's awesome. Also made me want to buy some nikes. Maybe that was the actual goal of the movie. Give it a watch if you want, I had seen it before and liked it even more this second time.

Thanks for reading, come back next week to read what the next movie I rant about will be. :-P

February 28, 2024

Well I am currently eating a lot of the words from the last blog post, I am entering this later than I wanted and I almost didn't do it at all but I really want to force the habbit and be consistent with writing something down. Not really sure when I will put this website out, wanna nail down some of the details and stuff before releasing it to the wild. I took a long break from coding because I got locked into reading One Piece and playing tekken with my free time. Which are two things that I am totally fine taking up my free time, so no big deal. Planning to get back into it and get this joint published. As I write this that really cool feeling of creating something that is my own is flooding back and I am rearing to get going. Gonna keep this one short, heres to next week.

February 18, 2024

Well even though I don't have this website up I DO want start getting into the habbit of writing junk for this journal/blog page. Hoping I can publish this whole thing by the end of next week. As I do this I am kind of rethinking how I want to treat this. Part of me wants to do something weekly cause it is nice to get thoughts down often. Another part of me is maybe thinking I could just write entries as inspiration comes, as in less often than weekly, not more. I feel like they could be more meaningful that way and I could put a lot more thought into them and such. I guess it just depends how I want to treat this whole things really. More a blog or more a public journal. But what is the difference really.

Since I still am dealing with this whole broken leg thing, I don't really have much to talk about. I am up at my family cabin this weekend which is always fun. Not that much fun for me in my current state since I kind of just sit around, but still fun to hang out and have a change of scenery. I started playing Persona 3: Reload this weekend while I have been up here and that has been really fun. Probably going to dump a lot of time into that. Those games have so much cool stuff going for them, crazy music, crazy stories, crazy vibes. Really a good time all around so far. Anyways, not too much else to report on. Just trying to put my time into things that feel good while I am homebound and recovering. Been watching good movies, reading, making some music, and putting loads of time into this website. Feeling pretty good about how I spend my time for the most part, gotta peel my brain away from the instagram explore page as much as possible. That's a big reason I have been into this whole building websites, web revival, mumbo jumbo.

I watched Videodrome this week and although I have already been very pessimistic about social media and the internet in general as of late that movie really sent me over the edge hahaha. Cronenburg is a big 'ol genus for that one. I don't want really want to write too much about it at the risk of just turning this into a boomer-esque facebook rant about society or whatever but holy cow that flick really got the gears turning. Really got me thinking even more about how I spend my time online and what I spend it on and all sorts of things like that. Really worth a watch if you have not seen it.

Well, I guess I will close this joint up. Kind of tough trying to recall my thoughts from the week and write this while I am up at the cabin. Hopefully I can get better at this and possibly write some more profound things that are worth reading as I do this more often. Either way it is fun getting some thoughts out of my brain. One love, XOXO - Matt

February 13, 2024

Testing one two, testing one two... Gonna write my thoughts and feelings and all that jazz down here eventually but just trying to nail down the formatting and such for this initial entry. The standing plan right now is to write entries every sunday, maybe write stuff as needed as well, but at the least every sunday, even if there is not much to say. In all honestly whenever I DO start to write I usually always find something to talk about, for example what I am doing right now. I guess my days in school has really helped me to fill space and let my mind wander about.

I am going to put a paragraph down here as well just to visualize what longer entries might look like mostly, probably goint to slap some pictures around to practice formatting that stuff as well. I have tossed the idea around of giving each blog entry a title but not sure I will do that, might just roll with the date at the top only. Maybe if there is ever a good title in mind I can just slap it on. Why be a slave to the arbitrary formatting rules that I make for myself, I think part of the fun of this website project, and specifically this jornal, is really letting loose and just letting things look however I feel like they should look in the moment. Anyways, learning to code all this junk has been super fun and I am really looking forward to letting this website out into the wild and letting people see it and mess around. Thanks for reading if you did. BYE BYE!